Apocalypse Cow Recording - March Newsletter - www.callthecow.com
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Happy St. Paddy's Day! -


Hi everyone! It's been a pretty uneventful month here at The Cow, but we have started working with a returning band, Bluebottle, who is heading for big things. Read more about them below.

Also one of our artists will be performing on TV this weekend. Courtney Jay will be on America's Most Talented Kids on Sunday the 13th at 6pm and a repeat on the 18th at 7pm. You can catch her performance of her original song on PAX-TV and find out more info about her at www.courtneyjay.com. Congratulations Courtney!

The results are in for last month's poll about sounding original or like your idol, and it was a straight up tie between 25% (sounding mostly original) and 50% (Sounding original but still reminscent of your idol.) And for you mathmeticians, when crunching the numbers of all the results, it averaged out that people want to sound only 36.25% like their idols. We have to agree with you guys there in that while it's good to keep an eye on what's out there now, it's even better to make music your own.

And now for this month's poll, would you rather be living off of your music than working at your current full-time job? Visit the homepage now to vote.


Chicago-area band Bluebottle is back in the studio recording more songs for their upcoming album "Bet It All on Red." Bluebottle was in a year ago when they recorded their first batch of songs for the album, now they're back again to record more. Bluebottle can best be described as just good ole rock and/or roll. They have catchy hooks and tons of energy in their 7-piece band, complete with multiple guitarists, singers and trombonists and of course a drummer, bassist and trumpet player. Members include Brandon Wojcik (trumpet/keys), Greg Simpson (drums/keys), Steve (vox/bass), Tumble (guitar/poet of insanity), Victor (guitar/vox), Shimo (trombone) and Dave Ponce (trombone). You can find out more information about the band at www.blue-bottle.net.

Solo artist Joe Turba at long last mixed one of his songs. Recorded last year, Joe's music is outright fun singer/songwriter music, singing about being just a "Regular Joe". Keep your ears open for this witty artist.

And neither Gary Landess or Greg Boerner actually made it in this month, but it's just not a newsletter without at least one of them so I thought I'd mention them anyhow. But never fear, they will be in next month's newsletter without a doubt!

For more information on any of these artists, contact us at news@callthecow.com


What do you call a cow with only two legs?
Lean Beef!

What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground Beef!

Submitted by Matt Richter from Angelfire. Check out their thrash/metal band at www.angelfirerocks.tk.

Send in your favorite (clean) cow joke to news@callthecow.com and if we use it we'll link to you.


For booking information, new sampler CD, or anything else, contact us at.

(630) 897-9023

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