Apocalypse Cow Recording - May 2009 Newsletter - www.callthecow.com
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Happy Cinco de Mayo! -


The first of our 10th year Summer Celebrations will start off with a sale for the month of May! Any new clients who track in the month of May will get 10% off or $36/hour ($324/ten hour day). Keep checking back each month as we plan to have more sales for more people.

Keep up with what's happening at Apocalypse Cow by following us on Twitter and joining our Facebook page. And there's always our MySpace page too.  Come be our friends and keep on top of the fun stuff that happens at The Cow.


The Future Burns began tracking for their album this month. Future Burns plays rock with a mix of jam band, folk and good ole rock n' roll. They recently performed a Ba-Rock the House party where they collected over 900 pounds of canned good for a local food panty. The six memebers are from all over the Chicagoland area and if I remember the names correctly include Scott "construction guy" Franz (bass/vox), Nate "the engineer" Pekoc (drums/vox), Ben "the preacher" Parker (guitar/lead vox), Mike Praski (percussion/vox), Brian "mad dog" Corcoran (guitar/vox), and Brian "the lucky one" O'Connor (guitar/vox)...okay, I made those last couple up, I couldn't remember them all, sorry guys. To find out more about The Future Burns go to www.myspace.com/futureburns.

Dave Rehfeldt (formerly of the band Soap) came in to record a solo album at The Cow. Dave plays all kinds of guitars and sings in the singer-songwriter style. His songs have a great drive to them and have you bobbing your head and singing along. Look for Dave around the Chicago area playing at open mics.

Starway is back in the studio making some final touches on songs for their album. They have a possible record deal in place, I will wait until it's official to spread the details. Check out Starway at www.myspace.com/starwayrockband

Maylay Entertainment brought rapper Half/Dead to record his song Good Time with fellow Maylay artist Youlanda Burnett. Hear the song at www.maylayent.com.

For more information on any of these artists, contact us at news@callthecow.com



Thanks to Tommie Kelly for the comic, please check out roadcrewcomic.com for more from him!


For booking information, new sampler CD, or anything else, contact us at.

(630) 897-9023

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