Apocalypse Cow Recording
Gear at Apocalypse Cow Why record at the Apocalypse Cow Where is Apocalypse Cow located? Shop @ Apocalypse Cow Services at Apocalypse Cow Clients of Apocalypse Cow Rates at Apocalypse Cow Tour of Apocalypse Cow Contact Apocalypse Cow info@callthecow Site map of Apocalypse Cow
Tips for recording at Apocalypse Cow link and partners Credit cards accepted for recording studio time Order Cow Bucks Label Pack

If you are an artist looking for songs to sing and include on your album, we can help you out. We write songs for artists looking for these "outside songs." We have a catalog songs that you can use though we can also write songs specifically for you in any genre. You can hear examples of songs we've helped create here. Please contact us for more details about this aspect of Apocalypse Cow.

Not all bands are the same; Apocalypse Cow, a recording studio that's different.
To contact Apocalypse Cow - info@callthecow.com - 630-897-9023